Childcare and Day care in Amstelveen

Childcare and Day care in Amstelveen

Discover the ideal childcare solution in Amstelveen. Our listings have been meticulously chosen to cater specifically to the needs of expats’ children, ensuring they offer not just exceptional care but also a supportive and understanding environment that respects cultural diversity and fosters seamless integration into Dutch society.

Child Care: Amstelveen


Partou Since its establishment in 1984, Partou has been synonymous with professional, secure, and inclusive childcare that aids in the growth and development of children. It holds the distinction of being the most extensive childcare organization in the Netherlands. With more than 20 locations in Almere, Partou provides daycare services for children between the ages of 0-4 and after-school care for children aged 4-13.


Hestiakinderopvang Hestia Kinderopvang offers dual-language (German/English) childcare services for youngsters aged between 0 and 13 years. They operate their facilities based on the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy. They also feature outdoor play areas in the form of gardens and serve warm meals for lunchtime.


Compananny CompaNanny delivers childcare services for youngsters aged between 0 and 12 years. They extend bilingual care, ensuring a diverse and inclusive environment. They are committed to fostering a setting where each child can grow and develop at their individual pace. Every CompaNanny facility boasts its own garden, and they take pride in serving hot, organic meals.
