Childcare and Day care in Breda
Breda’s finest daycare centers await your discovery. Selected with the expat family in mind, these establishments not only deliver excellent care but also create an inclusive atmosphere that values cultural diversity and encourages your child’s smooth transition into Dutch culture.
Child Care: Breda
Devi Kids Devi Kids is a family-run establishment that aims to offer early education and care, with a focus on laughter, learning, living, and love as the fundamental principles. The business operates from three different locations in the heart of Breda. Their Ruitersbosch branch is unique in that it offers bilingual services and collaborates with the International School Breda. | Devi Kids |
Kindergarden At Kindergarden, they understand the significant impact a child’s environment can have on their development. This understanding is the cornerstone of their approach, ensuring every aspect of their operation is thoughtfully designed to positively influence your child. They would be thrilled to share more about their unique approach at any of their locations. | Kindergarden |